Pallet FurniturePallet Shelves & Pallet Coat HangersPallet Display Shelves / Mensole Porta Modellismo


by Francescoguatelli

Pallet Display Shelves / Mensole Porta Modellismo

  • 1 pallet

  • easy

  • 6h

  • free

Save money and display your collectibles on Pallet Display Shelves. Want them unique? Try a similar finishing technique like these blue shelves.

How I made my Pallet Display Shelves:

I used a total of two pallet deck boards to make these two shelves. The biggest challenge was finding oversized pallets. I wanted shelves to be about 140m to fit the space. After I had found some, I sanded them down and used scrap pieces to make the shelf support brackets.

I created this weathered effect by first using blue paint that I diluted with water. You need to make the paint very diluted! I applied the paint, and it took several passes/coats to get the base color right because I didn’t want it looking perfect. I wanted a weathered, worn look. I then used some white paint – also diluted – and applied it sparingly. I worked it in carefully to give it this weathered, whitewashed effect. I sealed it to protect the paint and to keep any loose splinters that I might have missed from hurting anyone.

Now I have great-looking display shelves for my collectibles! This project took me about six hours to complete. I spent most of the project time getting the finish just right, but it was well worth the effort. I hope this makes you think about doing some different finish techniques on your next project. Experiment! It’s ok to thin down paint to get a more faded, worn, whitewashed look.

da 2 pallet ho ricavato due mensole. il problema è stato trovare pallet fuori misura, perchè le mensole erano oltre 140cm cementite di fondo, colorato con azzurro all’acqua molto diluito. Molte mani per dare effetto imperfetto nella colorazione. poi sopra alcune mani di bianco molto liquido per dare l’effetto “sctisciato”. finito con cristallizzante per parquet per evitare che eventuali scheggie di legno possano ferire qualcuno, nonostante la levigazione.

Pallet Display Shelves / Mensole Porta Modellismo Pallet Shelves & Pallet Coat Hangers

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