Pallet FurniturePallet Desks & Pallet TablesWood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious!


by Poobear

Wood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious!

  • 1 pallet

  • easy

  • 2h

  • $5

Turn those old stumps in the corner of your backyard into a fantastic wood slice pallet table. First, obtain a wood slice. If you have a chainsaw, cut one from an old stump or from a tree that you felled. I got mine in a local forest where they were trimming trees, so look out for people cutting down trees. Alternately, wood slices are for sale in DIY and garden centers, near the pavers.

Cut a slice from an old stump and create a work of art: Make a Wood Slice Pallet Table!

The process:

  1. I planed and sanded my wood slice, as it was very rough.
  2. Take the end of a pallet and cut it just above the center support. See picture #3. This structure gives you a robust upright.
  3. Clad the upright with more deck boards.
  4. Sand the boards with an angle grinder.
  5. Take a pallet board and fix it to the upright at right angles. Then screw it to the bottom of the slice.
  6. Take another pallet board and cut into four equal parts, then screw onto the bottom of the upright. Sand the legs.
  7. Coat the table with linseed oil mixed with wood dye, one part dye to ten parts oil. Wipe off excess.
  8. Wait until the oil/dye mix dries thoroughly, then apply a coat of outdoor varnish.
  9. Enjoy! Voila, a stunning table – the beautiful thing about using a wood slice is every single one is different.
Wood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious! Pallet Desks & Pallet Tables
I used a slice of wood obtained from a local forestry cutting and turned it into a backyard pallet table.
Wood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious! Pallet Desks & Pallet Tables
The chunk of wood was very rough, and I had to plane and sand it until it was suitable to use.
Wood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious! Pallet Desks & Pallet Tables
Photo #3: Trimming your pallet down for the table support.
Wood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious! Pallet Desks & Pallet Tables
I installed the support to the bottom of the wood slice.
Wood Slice Pallet Table Will Leave Them Envious! Pallet Desks & Pallet Tables
I clad the sides of the table support with more deck boards, and another board was cut into four equal pieces to provide a stable footing.
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