Pallet Home Décor IdeasPallet ClocksOcean Blue Little Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock


by Paletatolyesi

Ocean Blue Little Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock

  • 1 pallet

  • medium

  • 8h

  • $20

I made this Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock with only a few pallet deck boards, some glue, and a little clock mechanism.

Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock

First, I glued several boards together, clamped and let them dry. Next, I sketched the shape I wanted onto the board and cut the board with a jigsaw. I planed it somewhat, filled in the holes with wood filler and let it dry. I sanded it in detail. Next, I painted the piece white, and then used a candle and rubbed it onto the piece. I added the candle wax a bit heavier towards the edges and lighter in the center. Next, I painted the piece with a pretty ocean blue color. I sanded it lightly after I allowed it to dry. Then, I sanded it lightly. Finally, I sprayed it with a matte sealant and installed the clock mechanism.

Ocean Blue Little Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock Pallet Clocks
Ocean Blue Little Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock Pallet Clocks
Ocean Blue Little Mermaid Pallet Wall Art/Clock Pallet Clocks

If you were inspired by this clock project, check out MORE CLOCKS here!

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