Pallet FurniturePallet Boxes & ChestsDiy Video Tutorial: Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox


by Lab11

Diy Video Tutorial: Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox

  • 2 pallets

  • medium

  • 6h

  • $11

Shou Sugi Ban is an ancient Japanese exterior siding technique that preserves wood by charring it with fire. Typically done using Cedarwood, I decided to do this technique using pallet wood instead of my Pallet Mailbox. I had read that Shou Sugi Ban’s technique preserved wood for up to 80 years. I thought, what better way to test than a mailbox? My old friend asked for an annual interview so that we will see it happens. It took me more or less 6 hours of work, and none was too difficult. The surprise was how the wood reacted during the wood-burning. Some burned too much! I think some boards had more humidity than others and that may have changed how they reacted. Nothing catastrophic, but it lost a bit of precision.

Watch my DIY Video Tutorial and learn how to make your own Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox!

The edges and underside were simply screwed, the top tray was glued with waterproof glue to create a waterproof surface. The back door to access the mail was made with just the hinges of the old mailbox and a simple mailbox lock precisely. The boards were burnt three times to reach a “deep” black, and the wood fibers tightened as much as possible. To see in time how the box will behave facing the bad weather.

Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox – will it last 80 years? We’ll see…

J’avais lu que la technique du Shou Sugi Ban permettait de conserver le bois pendant 80 ans. Je me suis dis, quoi mieux pour tester qu’une boite aux lettres. Mon ancienne demandait un entretien annuel, on va voir ce que celle ci va nous réserver.

Il m’a fallu plus ou moins 6h de travail, rien de très technique, mais la surprise est plutôt venue de comment le bois a réagi lors du passage du chalumeau, en effet certaines parties ont un peu trop brulées, certaines planches qui devaient être un peu plus humide que les autres se sont plus rétractées. Rien de catastrophique mais ça a fait perdre un peu de précision.

Les bords et le dessous ont été simplement vissés, le plateau supérieur quand à lui a été collé avec de la colle waterproof afin de créer une surface étanche. La porte arrière pour accéder au courrier a été faites avec simplement les charnières de l’ancienne boite aux lettres et une simple serrure pour boite aux lettres justement. les planches ont été brulées trois fois afin d’arriver a un noir « profond » et que les fibres du bois se resserrent le plus possible. A voir dans le temps comment la boite va se comporter face aux intempéries.

Diy Video Tutorial: Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox DIY Pallet Video Tutorials Pallet Boxes & Chests
Look at that color – all from controlled burning!
Diy Video Tutorial: Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox DIY Pallet Video Tutorials Pallet Boxes & Chests
Decorative-head nails are used to create the house number. Simple and effective.
Diy Video Tutorial: Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox DIY Pallet Video Tutorials Pallet Boxes & Chests
Diy Video Tutorial: Shou Sugi Ban Pallet Mailbox DIY Pallet Video Tutorials Pallet Boxes & Chests

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