Pallet FurniturePallet Benches, Pallet Chairs & StoolsKid-friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench


by Fadzildaud

Kid-friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench

  • 1 pallet

  • easy

  • 5h

  • $12

I made this Kid-Friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench from one pallet, and sealed it with varnish to protect it!

Kid-Friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench – make it fun; make it funky, and save money doing it!

First, I cut a pallet in half across the width of it at the blocks. I used this as the bench seat. Next, I cut some of the deck boards to the length I wanted for the legs and screwed them to the inside of the blocks. I cut another set and installed them to the bottom of the pallet, toe-nailing them to the front set of blocks and then to the vertical legs to create triangular legs. Then I did a similar process for the back but cut blocks in half diagonally to create places for the legs to install to. I cut more boards to form the backrest and braced them with angled pieces. Finally, I varnished everything to seal it.

Kid-friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench Pallet Benches, Pallet Chairs & Stools

Kid-friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench Pallet Benches, Pallet Chairs & Stools

Kid-friendly Outdoor Pallet Bench Pallet Benches, Pallet Chairs & Stools

Creative way of making a bench. How about a Kid’s Playhouse too?

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Dee Walding
Dee Walding

Hello all,
Well i really would like to have an idea for
Adult size bench for my patio. I love the way the bench is made.

Pauline Lavert

J’ai pleins de modèles de ce genre en photo ! Ils sont trop beaux !

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